Flu Campaign

Flu Campaign

a free NHS flu vaccine?
Flu can be serious, and having a flu vaccine is the best protection against it. That’s why a yearly flu vaccination is recommended for the people who are most at risk of complications if they catch flu.
The flu vaccine is free for everyone (from six months of age) who has:
- diabetes
- a long-term chest complaint, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- moderate or severe asthma
- a heart problem
- liver disease
- kidney disease (from stage 3)
- had a stroke or a mini stroke, or who has another neurological disorder (for example,
multiple sclerosis) - an immune system that isn’t working well
- had their spleen removed or has a spleen that isn’t working very well; or
- is a very overweight adult (with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more)
- care home workers who have regular contact with their clients
- pregnant
- aged 65 or over
- living in a long-stay care home
- carers (unpaid)
- community first responders; or
- members of recognised voluntary organisations who provide planned emergency first aid at organised public events.
For children: A free nasal-spray flu vaccine is recommended for all children who are aged two or three on 31 August 2020. You can get this from your child’s GP surgery. All children in primary school from reception class will be offered their vaccine at school.
Flu vaccine is the best way to protect against catching or spreading flu – so don’t miss out. If you are not sure if you can have a free flu vaccine, ask at your GP surgery for advice. Find out more about flu and flu vaccines at www.beatflu.org
© 2020 Public Health Wales